Thursday, February 25, 2016

Time For Change

        But even an ordinary secretary or a housewife or a teenager can, within their own small ways, turn on a small light in a dark room. This line really hit me in this movie. The Freedom Writers is a 2007 dramatic film starring Hillary Swank, Scott Glenn, Imelda Stauton and Patrick Dempsey. 

        After all the riots that happened in the Los Angeles, Erin Gruwell the enthusiastic teacher started her first teaching in the Woodrow Wilson. She is expecting that the students that she will handle are smart, kind and a respectful one. Her expectation leads to disappointment when she start to see what is her class would be. She was shock on the first day that she met her students. The students that are disrespectful, boastful and gangster. After she met this students and see how they are not interested on her and the subject. Her motivation to teach and to have a chance to make her student change continue. She did everything that she can just to prove that her class is going to change and for the student to understand what really matters in our life. Even if she get tired of doing lesson plans and even having a fight on the assistant principal. She did'nt gave up, she made the students believe that there are alot of people who suffers more pain than what they are suffering right now. As time goes by, they became a family but the sacrifice of Ms. Gruwell is that her husband leaves her. She continue her life and became more closer to the students until one day the stories of her students was written in a book and her students are willing to defend her no matter what happen.

        Everything in this movie is marvelous. Each of the actors in here justify what are really they are portraying specially Ms. Gruwell who is Hilary Swank in real life. She brings so much emotion that I can feel what she's feeling and she is just a great actor for doing this movie. Hands down for the director of this movie as he/she can have the knowledge to compile this movie and to make viewers to reflect after this movie. For the sound effects, it was really nice for the ears to hear rap song or gangster song that is related in the movie and the special effects also is good because it brings more interest in the movie.

        As I finish watching this movie, I can conclude that there is no need for violence in this world. There is so much lesson that we can see in here, we all have equal rights in this world. The importance of respect and the integrity on being a teacher is seen in here. I can reflect that one person is enough to have a voice and stand to change people and believe that they can do anything to make them a better person.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Living Legend in The Philippine Politics

        A General election in the Philippines is scheduled for May 9, 2016 for executive and legislative branches for all levels of government national, provincial, and local, except for the barangay (village) officials. The most important in this election is the Presidential Candidates that will rule our country. For me, Miriam Defensor Santiago is the best candidate for the President.

         In picking the candidate for the  President you should consider many things to know that he/she is the best leader and deserving for that position. First you should consider the Academic Awards or excellence that they have. Miriam Defensor Santiago is the best politician, professor and a public servant that I know. She flew to Manila to take up law in UP Diliman. She topped written examinations and won the campus wide election as councilor in the University Council. She really starts well when she was in college.  She made history by posting the highest number of consecutive college scholarships in the state university. Her academic excellence continue not only here in the Philippines but also in America. She studied at the University of Michigan and continue her law school. She won the DeWitt Fellowship as she finish the semester with an A average. Miriam is not contended on having her law doctorate. She flew in different country and continue her law school and other course that she take.Miriam later pursued postdoctoral studies in law at Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Stanford, University of California, at Berkeley, and Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. She attended the Hague Academy of Public International Law at The Hague, Netherlands, and at Sophia University, Tokyo. As we all know, Miriam Defensor Santiago is very qualified in here as she have different degrees, countless awards, record setter and her skills in writing.

        Second is that you should consider the work that they serve for the country, As we all know Miriam has a large number of senate bills and resolutions that she pass. senator has filed a total of 1,324 bills and resolutions as of June 11 2015. Unlike other senators who are always absent in the senate and just corrupting our country. Miriam one said in the senate that her body is the one that is sick not her brain. She prove everyone that she can still serve our country and you can see in here that she is the only senator who is working hard just to pass a certain bill. These are some bills that she made that benfited many Filipinos, among the various bills Santiago has co-authored and which have been enacted into law were the Open Learning and Distance Education Act, the Youth Entrepreneurship Act, the Student-Athletes Protection Act, the Open High School System Act and the Fair Competition Act.She is the only senator that stands by the rule of law. No matter what criticism and battles she will take among other senators she still standing and stresses the importance of following the law and not to mob. Her stand in integrity and justice in governance is unmatchable. No one dares to fight for the corrupt senates and said direct to the point their mistakes and corruption. She is really extraordinary in a way that everyone praise her for her good quality of work and the respect that she gain in her career.

        The last point in here is that you should consider how true is the candidate and what they can do in the country when they become the President. I found Miriam Defensor Santiago as the best leader in our country base on her being practical in things and her intelligence in thinking for the solution in the major problems here in the country. She once said in the debate that we should not be the slave or followers of the americans and chinese because where just following them and that is not a good decision in the country. We have our own decision as a country and we can reinforce our soldiers on our own. She also stresses some point in having poor families her answer is just better than the other candidates because she base it in our time now, she has wider knowledge on how our country will get better and better. Miriam is not a plastic and don't promise anything because as we all know she is not on the words but in the action of the candidate. There is so much advantage of Miriam that other politician because she is doing her best and the right one.

        All in all, Miriam is the best candidate for President because she know everything that she do and she thinks deeply before she made any decision or action that she will do. Her knowledge and excellence are proven base on her works in the senate and for being the hardworking senator. She brings pride in our country and she is now the first ever Filipino to become a judge of the International Criminal Court. Indeed there's so much respect for her and as the significant senator in our country.

Journey to Success

        Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. Achieving your goals little by little is really worth it. Accountancy is a where it will give you knowledge about accounting and for me this is the most difficult course here in business.

        When I was a child, I grew up thinking that in future I will work in a specific bank since I'm having high grades in math. It was in my mind then that I'll choose accountancy as my course because it is my dream and also I want to be successful someday. I also choose this course due to my mom and auntie did'nt finish the same course that I have and I want them to be proud of me as I finish this course. It was really worth it to have this course for the reason that you will have a  bigger opportunity after you graduated. You can say that the students in here are really responsible because they are achieving higher grades for a better studies.

        Accountancy is not like any other course that you can be relax and playful with it. It's not that easy to be successful and achieve your dreams therefore you should study hard and be responsible in every actions that you are doing. Also in effect on it is doing your best and not to disappoint your parents with your decisions in life. Thus, it can have you sleepless nights just doing your homework and reviewing for upcoming exams. In addition, as a result of this is a handling so much pressure and handling it very well.

        In conclusion, I'm studying very well for my future and for me to be successful. It's really important for us to have a goal, to know the path that we will take and  not to have a wrong way in our journey. All I ever wanted is to be a CPA someday.

My Sanctuary

        My bedroom is my sanctuary. It's like a refuge, and it's where I do a fair amount of designing - at least conceptually, if not literally. This is the place that I will never get tired of going.

        As you can see on the picture, I want a bedroom that has a size of 22 square meter wide just like a studio type and it can fit at least 6-8 persons in it. In addition to that, I want a 2nd floor in my room in the upstairs is where my bed is and underneath that is the small pool just to look refreshing. Also, I want to see just like in romantic dates that has candle lights in it but in my bedroom it's just a small bulb in the stairs just to feel lovely and beautiful. Moreover, I want my bedroom that has the essence of peace and calm. That you can sleep immediately  and have a time to think deeply about matters in your life. Furthermore, I just wanna hear the tickling of the clock, my voice and the silence in my bedroom.

        I can say that I stay more time on my bedroom than in any other furniture in our home. When I'm in my bed I feel so relieve and stress free in it. I think my bed has a power to grab my negative feelings when I'm with it. I want my dream bedroom to be enjoyable and pleasant. That's why the small pool is in there for such entertainment in your guest. The purpose of it is for having good times with your friends and most specially to yourself.

        Our bedroom is very important in our lives. It's our armor that can protect us and relieve any stress that we have. It's really pleasant and comfortable to have a bedroom. Our bedroom is our witness of everything that we feel and sometimes it's our partner.


Monday, February 22, 2016

Timeless Memories

        High school as well as college is just another part in everyones lives. People say high school is about getting an education and getting into a good college to succeed in life. Well, to me, high school is about making memories and good times that will last forever.

        For me, high school and college are really similar in the way that they are really strict and the way they are implementing the rules. In high school and college the main purpose is to learn and gain knowledge for a better future. College and high school are very similar since they are preparing you to be a better person and for your future career. They have a similar structure in the way they teach you. They have both teachers and textbooks. In addition, in high school and college you will gain friends because it is a four years study others is five years. 

        First of all, high school is more fun and exciting. You can do everything in high school and you can enjoy things with your friends. You can create memories that will last forever. College is more complex and challenging because your choosing your career in here that's why you should be responsible with your actions and studies is a priority than having good times with your friends.  In high school, the topics that being discuss is basic. There are only minor subjects that are discuss like Math, Science, English and many more. In college the topics that being discuss is specific since your choosing your career path in here that's why its hard. There are lesser responsibilities in high school than in college. In high school, your more relax and your just enjoying your studies while in college there is so much effort that you will do and literally focus in every subjects.    Also in high school they have fixed regular schedule, college student time schedules are very flexible because they have to choose their own desired time schedule. Moreover, when it comes to high school, friendship lasts longer than in college because in college your friends more focus on their studies. High school students are more dependent because they are not that mature when it comes to making decision unlike in college, students are more independent because they can decide on their own and they are mature enough in things. 

        We all know that everyone goes through high school and college. We can conclude that college is much more complex and challenging than high school. College requires more effort and devotion to studies. High school is much more fun and exciting because you experience everything in here. Friendships that will lasts forever and life lessons that you learned. High school is everything that reminds you of your good memories.